Why Edu-Kids Foundation?

At Edu-Kids Foundation, we believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering children to achieve their dreams. Unfortunately, many children in our community face significant barriers to education, including poverty, homelessness, and lack of access to resources.

That’s where Edu-Kids Foundation comes in. We provide a range of services and programs designed to support OVCs in their academic and personal development. By providing resources like financial assistance, food, and counseling, we help remove some of the barriers that OVCs face and give them the tools they need to succeed.

  • 150 Children
  • 11 Projects
  • 4 Programs
  • 1 Country

How could you help?

We believe that every child deserves access to education and a safe and nurturing environment.

Introducing our Donation Campaign

We are excited to announce the launch of our new donation campaign aimed at supporting those in need. Your generous donations will go towards improving the lives of individuals and communities facing hardship and adversity.

You have a question?

A client that's unhappy for a reason is a problem

    Our Volunteers

    Empowering Change through the Tireless Commitment of Our Exceptional Volunteers: The Lifeblood of Our Charity’s Transformative Endeavors

    Olowole Eunice


    Oluwabukola Aremu


    Janet Ogabo Akuma
